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Hire the right building block for success⭐

Hiring the right people for your startup✅

We all have our go-to legendary chai stall on the corner, the one that whips up the perfect cup every time. The secret? Not just the masala, but the masterful "chai wallah" who knows exactly how you like your tea. Hiring for your startup is kinda like that.

You can have the best idea, the coolest product, but if you don't have the right team, it's like serving lukewarm water instead of piping hot chai!




As our founder CA J.Jambukeswaran says,"A startup is only as strong as its core team."

Think about it -
Zomato wasn't built by just Deepinder Goyal, right?
Flipkart wasn't Sachin Bansal's solo project.

Every Indian startup that's made it big had a dream team behind it, one where each member brought their A-game and complemented each other.

But let's be honest, finding the perfect teammates in the bustling Indian startup scene ain't no walk in the park. Competition is fierce, talent is scattered, and let's not forget the "jugaad" factor we all juggle. So, have you ever struggled to find the right fit for your team? Felt like you were interviewing robots instead of passionate individuals? Or you hired someone amazing, only to see them fly off to another opportunity?

If you answered "heck yes" to any of those, then this newsletter is your cup of chai (or filter coffee, no judgement!). We're diving deep into the world of hiring for startups, sharing desi-fied strategies, practical tips, and real-world stories to help you build your dream team for your startup dream.

Finding Your Dream Team: Skills, Fit, and More

Finding the right talent match requires looking beyond just the skills listed on a resume. You need people who align with your startup's values, work style, and pace. In India, cultural fit and soft skills also play a huge role. Does this person demonstrate the hunger and hustle needed in an early-stage environment? Are they comfortable with ambiguity and change? Can they roll with the punches when inevitable roadblocks arise? The “juggad” is a skill that is non-negotiable.

The ideal startup team player knows how to operate flexibly, resourcefully, and optimistically when plans go awry and they balance that grit with empathy, collaboration, and emotional intelligence. Cultural alignment matters as much as technical qualifications when building your dream team in India.

The Desi DNA: Daring, Ingenuity, Adaptability

When building your startup squad, look for the Desi DNA - Daring, Ingenuity, Adaptability. Seek teammates who bring bold ideas and aren't afraid to push their limits.
Value ingenuity - those who can conjure creative solutions with limited resources and ensure your team has adaptability in spades to pivot in our ever-changing market. Like a nimble cricket batsman, they should be ready to score runs on any pitch.
This trio of Daring, Ingenuity, and Adaptability forms the foundation every startup needs. With the Desi DNA, your team will have the courage, resourcefulness, and agility to help your startup thrive on the unpredictable journey ahead. Don't just assemble a team - bring together those with the mindsets and skills encoded into our startup DNA.

Mr. Jambukeswaran emphasizes, "Look for the raw ingredients of innovation in every candidate."

Forget the lone ranger mentality. In India, startups thrive on collaborative spirit. Look for individuals who believe in the power of "hum saath saath hain", who can communicate effectively, and who value diverse perspectives. You need teammates who can pivot quickly, embrace change on a dime, and find innovative solutions under pressure.

Let's face it, Startup journey will test your grit and determination.

Diversity is Important

Gone are the days of homogenous teams. Today, diversity and inclusion are not just buzzwords, they're business drivers. By embracing different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, you tap into a wider talent pool, foster creativity, and create a work environment that resonates with a broader audience. India is a diverse nation, and your team should reflect that richness.

Building a Strong Foundation

Before you start doling out job offers, laying the groundwork is important. Clearly define the roles and responsibilities you need to fill. Outline must-have skills and nice-to-have capabilities. Identify any specialized local market knowledge that is important for your offering.

For example, offering remote work options might appeal to a wider talent pool, while establishing clear hierarchies and structures could resonate better with certain candidates. Think through your startup's work style and values. And have a compensation structure in mind, even if it's more equity-heavy at this stage. Building this strong foundation first will help attract and retain the right talent. So take the time to thoughtfully plan for your startup's needs before hiring willy-nilly. With the right groundwork, you can assemble a stellar, long-term team.

As our founder famously said, Build your foundation before reaching for the stars.

Action Plan

Think beyond the usual suspects


Don't limit yourself to the big job boards. Explore local platforms and universities, tap into professional networks like industry associations, and consider attending hackathons or startup events. Remember, the best talent might not be actively looking, so get creative with your outreach!

Go beyond the resume


Resumes tell a story, but cultural fit and potential are hidden chapters. Design your interviews to assess problem-solving skills, decision-making ability, and all-important desi adaptability. Role-playing scenarios, group discussions, and even case studies can reveal valuable insights beyond technical prowess.

Engaging with your candidates on a deeper level can reveal a lot about their mindset and potential fit within your team. One smart  way to do this is by turning the tables and inviting them to ask you a question. This not only showcases their curiosity but also gives you insight into their thought process and priorities.

Curiosity-driven individuals who are genuinely invested in the collective mission are the ones who truly make a difference.

In the realm of hiring, there's a growing interest in Generation Z candidates. What sets them apart is their refreshing approach to challenges – they're not just followers but natural leaders who question, innovate, and drive progress forward. So, when interviewing Gen Z candidates, pay attention to the questions they pose. It's not just about what they ask, but how they ask it, showcasing their inherent curiosity and leadership potential.

So there you have it, fellow startup warriors! Finding the right people for your Indian startup journey might seem like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops, but with the right strategy and a dash of masala magic, you can build a team that's as strong and flavorful as your dream itself.

Remember, it's not just about skills, it's about finding individuals who resonate with your vision, share your hustle, and bring their unique "tadka" to the table. Keep these tips in mind, stay inspired, and never stop believing in the power of your amazing team. Now, go out there, attract the best talent, and build something truly remarkable!

P.S. Want more startup advice? Subscribe to our newsletter and get exclusive downloads, expert insights, and a community of passionate founders just like you!

Let's conquer the startup world, one chai at a time!
Stay tuned, stay hustling.
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