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POSH Compliance Checklist for Your Company



Is Your Organization POSH Compliant?

Ensure a safe and respectful workplace by following our comprehensive POSH compliance checklist.

The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 (POSH Act) is a crucial legal framework that ensures the prevention of workplace harassment in India. Every employee deserves a safe and respectful work environment, yet many organizations still struggle with full compliance.

Non-compliance can result in severe legal penalties, reputational damage, and increased employee turnover. To help businesses uphold compliance, we’ve outlined a POSH compliance checklist to ensure a secure workplace for all employees.

1. Implement a Clear POSH Policy

A well-defined POSH policy should:
✅ Clearly define sexual harassment (verbal, physical, and psychological).
✅ Have a grievance redressal structure outlining complaint resolution steps.
✅ Maintain the confidentiality of both parties.
✅ Reaffirm the organization's commitment to a safe working environment.

Tip: Your POSH policy should be reviewed annually and displayed prominently at the workplace.

2. Incorporate POSH Policy in Employment Contracts

The employment contract must:
✅ State the organization's zero-tolerance policy towards workplace harassment.
✅ Outline the employee's responsibility to adhere to the POSH policy.
✅ Specify consequences of policy violations, including disciplinary and legal actions.

3. Set Up an Internal Complaints Committee (IC)

Organizations with 10 or more employees must establish an Internal Complaints Committee (IC) with:
✅ A senior female employee as the Presiding Officer.
✅ At least one other female employee as a member.
✅ An external member (e.g., an NGO representative or legal expert).

Regular training should be provided to the IC to ensure complaints are handled ethically, confidentially, and without bias.

4. Conduct POSH Awareness & Training Programs

Mandatory training for all employees, including contractual and temporary staff, must cover:
✅ The definition of sexual harassment.
Legal provisions under the POSH Act.
Workplace behavior guidelines and reporting mechanisms.

Tip: Regular awareness sessions help prevent harassment and foster a culture of open communication.

5. Implement an Effective Complaint Redressal Mechanism

Organizations must provide:
✅ A dedicated helpline, email, or complaint box for easy reporting.
✅ A confidential and time-bound investigation process (ideally completed within 90 days).
Support and counseling for complainants throughout the process.
Appropriate disciplinary action if allegations are proven.

6. Submit an Annual POSH Compliance Report

As per the POSH Act, the Internal Committee must submit an annual report to the District Officer, including:
Number of complaints received.
Nature of complaints (verbal, physical, psychological).
Actions taken and investigation outcomes.
Preventive measures implemented, such as training sessions and awareness programs.

POSH Compliance: More Than Just a Legal Requirement

POSH compliance is not just about legal obligations; it’s about fostering a culture of safety, dignity, and inclusivity at the workplace. Many employees hesitate to report incidents due to fear or stigma. Prioritizing POSH compliance helps create a work environment where everyone feels valued and protected.

We offer expert guidance on drafting a POSH policy, setting up an Internal Committee, and ensuring full compliance with legal requirements.